Software / Web / Developer

Living in Los Angeles, CA

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"This is where I begin my journey. This is how I find my way."

About me

I’m a software developer focusing on web development. I work with HTML, CSS, JS frameworks + libraries(front-end) and Java Spring Boot, Node.js + Ruby on rails(back-end). I have experience using SQL and NoSQL databases. When programming, I am versed in the CLI and use a number of IDEs. Before starting my career in technology, I tutored STEM and worked as a laboratory chemist. Through my versatile work experiences I have gained: analytical skills, leadership in managing both onshore + offshore teams, knowledge of complex machinery and solving problems via troubleshooting. I endeavor to never stop learning and to always collaborate with my colleagues. You can find examples of my work on Github.

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Web Design: Keeping Function in Mind

Hang Boat - gitHub Repo

The game is like hangman, but with a twist: Two players get one try per turn to guess the correct letters of the word in question. 'Movies' is the category and the word being guessed is a movie title. Hints are given to players within the question.Once the word is guessed correctly, players press a button to generate a new question. Pressing the button also prompts players to answer bonus questions. The objective of the game is to move your paper boat into the island. First player to arrive WINS.


Cat2Nap - gitHub Repo

Ruby on Rails application. Two models are used in this app, Cat owners and Cats. The app has full CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) and complete RESTful routing. Once cats are posted, interested sitters can click on the cats in the homepage and see cat profiles with user contact information, to set up Cat Naps!.


Road Radar - gitHub Repo

Node, Express, and Mongo application utilizing the Gmaps API. Users can enter what kind of incident it is, the address where the incident is, and add some additional comments on the specific situation all in real time. All users can see posts, but can only post an incident if they have an account. Clicking the markers on the map exposes the details of the incident including how long ago the incident was reported.


Chatrboxx - gitHub Repo

Node.js was used along with express.js and several npm packages. Mostly , this app utilizes websockets using Messages are rendered automatically on client side, without refreshing the page. The Giphy API is utilized, where users can click on the GIF! button to post a random GIF.


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